Standardized tests
Standardized tests are a part of the college admission process…but students do have some control over this aspect of their profile.
They may take the SAT or the ACT, or take both. They may choose to take a standardized test once, or multiple times. Additionally, the colleges offering test optional is growing, and for certain students this is a strong choice.
We help our students understand their options, and choose the path that works best for them and where they will meet with the greatest success.
Check out this list of colleges that are test optional, by FairTest, The National Center for Fair and Open Testing.
[Read article on]
A guide to senior schedules colleges will love
The Tufts Admission Office offers some simple but important advice about your senior year.
[Read article on Tufts University’s website]
Writing the college essay
Are you struggling to write your college essay? In this article, Holding College Chiefs to Their Words, see how university presidents answered the college application essay.
Take comfort in the fact that it was not easy for them either.
[Read article on the Wall Street Journal]
2,000+ colleges in the U.S.
Did you know…
…there are over 2,000 four-year colleges in the United States to choose from?
High school students should visit as many colleges as possible, and experience first-hand the amazing choices available.